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Applications for recording calls

Applications for recording calls These are tools that allow you to capture the audio of your telephone conversations, whether through the mobile network or voice over IP services, such as WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, etc.

These applications can be very useful for various situations, such as documenting agreements, interviews, complaints, testimonials, or simply keeping a memory of a special conversation.

But what are the best call recording apps that you can use on your smartphone?

In this article, we will present some of the most popular and efficient apps for recording calls, both for Android and iOS.

We will explain how they work, what their advantages and disadvantages are, and how you can install and use them on your cell phone.

Additionally, we'll give you some tips on how you can manage, play, share and protect your call recordings.

Stay tuned and discover everything you need to know about apps for recording calls.

Why use apps to record calls?

Have you ever needed to record a phone call for some reason?

Maybe you wanted to record an agreement, an interview, a complaint, or an important conversation.

Or maybe you wanted to keep a memory of a special, fun, exciting, or meaningful conversation.

Whatever the case, you know that recording a call can be very useful in many situations.

But how to do this in a simple and practical way?

The answer lies in apps for recording calls.

These are tools that allow you to capture the audio of your telephone conversations, whether through the mobile network or voice over IP services, such as WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, etc.

These apps can offer several advantages, such as:

  • Make it easy to record, store, and share your call recordings.
  • Ensure the quality, clarity, and audio fidelity of your call recordings.
  • Respect your privacy and that of your interlocutors, allowing you to control who can access, listen to, or delete your call recordings.

But what are the situations in which call recording apps can be useful? Let's see some examples below.

Examples of situations where call recording apps can be useful

  • If you are a journalist, a researcher, a student, or anyone else who needs to conduct interviews over the phone, you can use an app to record calls and have a faithful record of the interviewees' speeches, without having to write down or transcribe everything manually. This way, you can save time, avoid errors, and have more material to analyze, cite, or publish.
  • If you are a lawyer, a businessman, a salesperson, or any other person who makes agreements or negotiations over the phone, you can use an application to record calls and have proof of what was agreed, avoiding possible misunderstandings, conflicts, or frauds. This way, you can protect your interests, those of your customers, and those of your partners, and have more legal and commercial security.
  • If you are a consumer, a citizen, a patient, or any other person who needs to make complaints, reports, requests, or consultations over the phone, you can use an application to record calls and have a backup of what was said, making it easier to follow up , resolution, or defense of your rights. This way, you can charge, demand, or complain more effectively, and have a better chance of obtaining a satisfactory solution.
  • If you are a friend, a family member, a boyfriend, or anyone else who wants to keep a memory of a special, fun, exciting, or important conversation over the phone, you can use an app to record calls and have an audio file that you can listen, share, or save forever. So, you can relive, remember, or pay homage to the moments and people that marked your life.

Applications for recording calls

Cube Call Recorder

Cube Call Recorder is an Android application that allows you to record phone and VoIP calls, such as WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram, Viber and others.

The application has the following functionalities:

  • Automatic recording of all calls or selected contacts.
  • Exclusion list of contacts that will not be recorded automatically.
  • Manual recording with an on-screen button.
  • Playback within the app itself with speaker switching when you bring the phone to your ear.
  • Marking important recordings with a star and filter for quick access.
  • Call back and open contacts directly from the app.
  • Sharing and exporting recordings without restrictions (via email, Dropbox, SMS, etc.).
  • Cloud backup, additional audio formats, automatic removal of old recordings and other premium (paid) features.


TapeACall is an iOS application that allows you to record phone calls by making a conference call with two numbers: one for the contact and the other for the application itself, which stores the conversation in the cloud.

The application has the following functionalities:

  • Recording of incoming and outgoing calls in high quality.
  • Unlimited recording storage in the cloud.
  • Transcription of recordings to text with precision 99% (paid).
  • Transferring recordings to new devices.
  • Download recordings to your computer.
  • Upload recordings to Dropbox, Google Drive and other services.
  • Sharing recordings via email, SMS, Facebook and Twitter.
  • Lock recordings with PIN, TouchID or FaceID.
  • Shaking the phone to mark important parts of the conversation.


As you can see, there are many situations in which call recording apps can be useful.

They are tools that can make your life easier, whether professionally, personally, or academically.

The important thing is to choose an application that meets your expectations, is easy to use, guarantees audio quality, and respects your privacy and that of your interlocutors.

If you want to know more about the best apps, you can read our other article [here].

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